Micro(fiction x biome)


hi :slight_smile:
I’m new here, I came to share a microfiction I wrote after thinking about how it would be interesting to see the biological evolution of our species not with changing our own biology, but just our microbiome(s).

I hope you like it, and thanks to XavCC for pointing me here, it looks like a nice place!

Here’s the original version in English:

We didn’t really use this small gland anymore anyways, so it was the best to do with it. I know I didn’t use it. Or at least I could replace it with this ‘‘new version’’. We’d been hearing that microbes were better than us in so many things for years… Might as well benefit from it.
They told me the process was painless, and the recovery was fast. Thanks to the new brain-gland microbiome that would start doing its job. And after a few weeks or months, the nerves would reorganize and connect with the microB, and communication could start.
According to the corpo, it would take some time to gain access to all the functionalities, the gland would only allow me to slightly adjust my mood at first. And then slowly start also gaining control of the other microB in my body. They said that it was more effective if I patched all of them with their branded versions though. I was mostly on the common public-domain brand of microB, except from my contraceptive which was from another corpo.

And a rough French translation:

On utilisait plus vraiment cette petite glande de toutes façons, alors c’était le mieux à faire. Je sais que moi je m’en servais pas. Ou en tous cas, je pouvais très bien la remplacer par cette “nouvelle version”. On avait entendu dire que les microbes étaient meilleurs que nous pour plein de trucs depuis des années… Autant en profiter.
Ils m’ont dit que l’opération serait sans douleur, et la convalescence courte. Grâce à au nouveau microbiome dans la glande cérébrale qui commencerait à faire son taff. Et après quelques semaines ou mois, les nerfs se reorganiseraient et se connecteraient avec le microB, et la communication pourrait commencer.
D’après la corpo, ça prendrait du temps avant d’avoir accès à toutes les fonctionnalités, la glande me donnerait accès qu’à ajuster mon humeur au début. Et après doucement, je pourrais prendre le contrôle des autres microB de mon corps. Ils m’ont dit que ça serait quand même plus efficace si je les patchais tous avec leurs dernières versions à eux. J’étais principalement sur les versions communes publiques de microB, à part pour mon contraceptif qui était d’une autre corpo.

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hi StrepsipZerg,
thanks for your story.
I’ve heard of cryptokids using such a process to regenerate their brain gland microbiome.
But if I were you, I’d avoid it.
In my community, we use a different technique. Once a year, on November 25, St Catherine’s Day (“when all wood takes root”), we go out to gather Psilocybes semilanceata. Having found and eaten them, the process requires us to isolate ourselves in the forest and get completely naked. Once I’ve found the right spot, I bury myself completely under the decomposing forest litter. This is really the best time of year to carry out this therapy. With the fall of tree leaves, the C/N ratio of humus is upset. Autumn rains provide the perfect climatic conditions for decomposition. It’s a feast for the micro-organisms in forest humus, because there’s no decomposition without germination. Once buried under a good layer of forest litter (around 40 cm), I begin to direct the effects of the psilocybin through a kind of meditation, or rather a mental journey. A journey into the infinitely small. I concentrate on the different organisms that make up my body, all these different micro-ecosystems, made up of millions of living beings, without which I’d just be an inert mass without consciousness. Then I quickly turn my attention to what’s going on in the humus. It’s hard not to. Millions of tentacles, mycelium and bacteria, billions of stimuli. A delicate signal transmitted by an Amanita muscaria hyphae. Fireworks when the forficule ( Forficula auricularia) brushes against your lobe. It’s really intense at first, but soon you feel the bonds between the different ecosystems. I don’t stay longer than 24 hours, because I’m cold, but I know people who stay 10 days. The important thing is to continue the journey, even after the mushrooms have worn off. This allows the forest microbiomes to patched to you, and it also puts you in the mental and physical condition to receive it. This device doesn’t allow you to adjust your mood, however. But I think it does mean you don’t need to adjust your mood. In any case, it’s very effective.
The reason I don’t recommend the kind of operation you’re talking about is that, these days, it’s become dangerous to walk around with enhanced microBs. Pirates are going after cryptokids to eat their organs. Indeed, it’s effective in terms of microbiome regeneration. It’s a very low-tech practice, used since prehistoric times.
But the technique of regenerating microbiota using forest litter is not without risks either. While practicing this treatment @how encountered problems with neighbors, which launched a controversy around nudity in the saison’s watershed, as well as a restriction on daytime nudity.


Avant toute chose: Grand merci MERCI @StrepsipZerg HUGE & BIG thanks <3 ! Yep, you reach a nice place here (I’m glad) and some folks around and Inners.

Ta micro fiction est bien ciselée et transpire la respiration vécue de l’«intérieur » (ou face à) d’une corpo/lab

J’ajoute à cette discussion naissante un peu d’apport extérieur.

[clonage + Les Libres + Germinat]

« Se faire faire un clone c’était à peu près le même tarif. Mais puisqu’on pouvait le faire… Pourquoi en priverait-on ceux qui pouvaient se le permettre ? De quel droit ? En plus, ils aidaient, les riches, ils finançaient largement la mort des pauvres. Fallait leur reconnaître ça.
Moi qui fais tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour ne pas être comme tout le monde, je suis le même que des centaines d’autres clones produits à la chaîne. Vous prenez la série. Lui. Lui. Lui. Lui. Moi. Lui. Lui. Tous pareils ! Tous des CC ! En batterie ! Alors comment je fais moi, pour être différent ? »


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