Webinar War resister inntl sept25th

Webinar announcement - Movement in dialogue: Climate Justice and Antimilitarism

As part of the Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice, we will be running a webinar called Movement in dialogue: Climate Justice and Antimilitarism.

:date: Date: Wednesday 25th September
:clock12: Time: 12:00-13:30 UTC
:computer: On Zoom, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iJU3WSN0QXKyT-dvtsRADg

As the climate crisis continues to impact communities around the world, billions of dollars are pumped into armies and militarised institutions. The systems and structures that have driven and profited from the climate crisis rely on violence and militarism to extract resources and protect their interests. At the same time, militaries are drawing on increasingly dystopian framings of a climate-changed world to justify their existence. How are we to make sense of these complex, challenging times?

This event will draw on the thinking and experiences of activists from around the world - including the Philipinnes, Colombia, India, the Netherlands and the UK - to explore the question: what is the relationship between militarism and the climate crisis, and how can our movements better reflect this?

See you there,

Andrew, War Resisters’ International staff

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